Monday, April 28, 2008

my term exam results~~ Our A level lessons

Our lecturers were indeeds hardworking and they diligently finished marking all our test papers.I have them back and not really contended with my results obtained.I did well, strictly speaking the best in my chemistry test only. The other subjects, i passed but seems not a very good results for me, Not getting A in Biology depressed me, and i just had my Physics passed I will do better in next semester, I swear...I will do better!!

I decided to revise my subjects during May Holiday, i m not gonna to disappoint my mum and dad anymore. Last year i had disappoit them once and not again. I want to enter university for sure next year.

tell u some more about how our lessons are going on~~~ Wan to know?

my physics lecturer, Mr chok, can u see wat he is teaching ?

i think maybe projectile motion...

Mdm Emily our group tutor and chemistry lecturer, i like her the most....She is nice to all students...always guide us on the exercise, practices.....Love her very much

can u see the one who sits behind the green bottle ya it's me. Mr Adam Pau is teaching his Maths now.......

My life is easy-going and i enjoyed it...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

KK = Sandakan = no electricity!!!!

I left out my blog for a week so that i could prepare for my examination. Today, finally i have the time to check the comments posted on my blog and i m totally surprised at the comments that my friends gave, they said my hairstyle looked like a bird nest. How hurt the comments are!!!
Actually i am not that depress la....i thought that it was actually a big trial for me to change my image. I am happy that u guys care for me.. Thanks for visiting me all the times.
Now, i wanted to share with you my experience of having no current in KK during my examination in last Monday. I still could recall for the incident: On that night, we were having our dinner in our auntie's house(she provided meals for us everyday and we paid her after the dinner), we had our dinner happily and enjoyed our dishes very much.I was the one syok watching TV and eating my dinner simultaneously at the meaning time. Suddenly, the atmosphere turned into darkness and the screen on the TV went off. Oh Jesus Christ, Black Out!!Later we were having the candle night dinner with my other friends. how romantic it was!!!
It was not the worst thing we have ever had!! The main thing was that we were having our Chemistry Test the next day...We had no light, no fan and how could we continued on studying?
Therefore we were not decided to go home and therefore went for a stroll at the park nearby to my house. We waited for half an hours but the current still not arrived yet!
Finally, we were not going to wait to "DIE"! We decided to went to Damai to search for light.We arrived YOYO the one similar to the COOL--the beverage-selling shop in Sandakan..There got a generator and we bought some drinks and sat there for almost 2 hours to study our chem..How pity..
At first, i thought that KK is a big city as compared to Sandakan. there should be no black out in such a big city. After this event, i didn't think that the life in KK was better than the life in Sandakan coz it had been 3 times that we had encoutered blackout in one month.I had get used to the blackout because in Sandakan, it was just an ordinary event.You will doubt if there is no blackout in Sandakan.LOL...But then i still love sandakan very much, ya my hometown, i will be back to sandakan soon in May~~~so happy by now!